Labour law 在法国,从建立工作关系开始就保护员工, 在整个工作合同期间直至合同终止.
法国劳动法往往对雇员比对雇主更友好. In France, 适用于雇主和雇员之间雇佣关系的立法基本上载于《十大菠菜台子》和各种集体协议. 在发生法律纠纷时,法国判例法起着决定性的作用. 在各个劳动法庭(司法委员会)做出的裁决之间存在很大差异。.
In France, 劳工监察局负责确保在工作场所内外遵守劳工法规定(e).g. construction sites).
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Employment contracts in France: CDI and CDD
Under French labour law there are different employment contracts. 法国法律规定永久雇佣合同(CDI), 有一定条件的固定期限劳动合同和临时劳动合同. Furthermore, in certain areas of activity, 项目合同可以在项目完成后签订,而无需因终止CDD而支付10%的溢价.g. 在建筑验收后签订施工合同的情况下).
CDD – the fixed-term contract in France
The French CDD – Contrat à Durée Déterminée is a fixed-term employment contract. As the name suggests, its duration is limited in time. 其期限必须在劳动合同中明确规定, as well as all other mandatory special provisions. 根据法国劳动法,签署CDD的法律可能性受到严格限制,并具有约束力.
终止后继续的CDD自动成为CDI. 因此,在法国正式确认CDD终止时应谨慎行事.
CDI – the permanent employment contract in France
The French CDI – Contrat à Durée Indéterminée is an unlimited employment contract. Its duration is unlimited. CDI只能通过双方协议或解雇程序结束.In France, CDI是《菠菜台子集合》第L1221-2条规定的正常合同雇佣关系. 法国劳动法规定了CDI规定的权利和义务.
Working Hours in France
除雇佣合同外,《菠菜台子集合》还规定 working hours. 对于经理职位的员工,必须遵守这些规定或起草一次性雇佣合同. In an ongoing employment relationship, care must be taken not to exceed the number of hours, as the employer has a duty of care for his employees.
According to French law on working hours员工每周连续工作时间不得超过6天. In principle, working on Sunday is prohibited. In some cases, however, Sunday rest is not possible. In such cases, 在一定条件下,休息日可以推迟到星期日以外的日子,也可以缩短, which vary depending on the legal exceptions.
Weekly working hours are at least 35 hours per week. However, exceptions can be made to this rule, such as 39-hour week contracts, 以及针对高级员工的固定费率雇佣合同(不支付加班费)——可以说,这些更像是规则,而不是例外.
每个工人有权享有每月和每年至少两个半工作日的带薪休假.e. five weeks after one year of service). 在计算休假天数时,某些员工的缺勤会被考虑在内. Certain collective agreements, 雇佣合同或雇佣惯例可能规定比法定期限更有利于雇员的假期期限.
Dismissals in France
In France, 员工因个人或经济原因被解雇必须有令人信服的理由. 除了解雇的理由外,还必须遵守严格的解雇程序. 除了在法国的通知期外,员工还必须被邀请参加 termination meeting in due time.
The termination letter must also state the reasons for termination. In addition to the classic dismissal, 另一种可能性是根据a . b .的规定通过双方协议终止雇佣关系 termination agreement.
Collective dismissals 在法国也非常正式,适用的程序取决于要解雇的工人的数量和公司的规模.
Conclusion: French labour law
Under French labour law, 强制性条款必须在雇佣合同中列明, that can be drawn up for a fixed term, an indefinite term or for a limited period. 工作时间由法国法律规定. 了解法国劳动法的基本要求是很重要的, even in the case of secondment. For example, 工资不得低于最低工资(所谓的SMIC),每周35小时工作制必须得到尊重. In case of termination, 必须注意适用的程序(通知或终止协议), 法国的强制通知期和遣散费的数额. French labour law is rather employee-friendly.
Do have questions about French Labour Law?
We are happy to assist you!
We advise you on employment law in France
Alaris专注于法国就业法,并协助您解决所有国际就业法问题. We advise you on:
- French employment contracts
- dismissal
- labour law sanctions (labour inspector)
- termination agreements
- secondments etc.
我们在集体劳动法(劳资委员会权利)中代表你们, works council elections, collective bargaining agreements, etc.) in an advisory capacity and/or in court.
在棘手、苛刻的国际法律纠纷中,您将受益于我们丰富的经验. Alaris熟悉法国劳动法庭的劳动法诉讼和和解程序,并将陪同您在法国进行劳动检查.
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