建设 law in France comprises a set of very specific legal provisions. 建筑商和分包商在法国是受到保护的, 这就意味着举证责任的颠倒. 根据法国建筑法, 如有争议, parties involved in a construction project must be able to prove to 的 client that legal construction provisions 和 的ir duty to advise were observed throughout 的 entire project duration. 如果是大型建设项目, this means that companies on construction sites must meet this burden of proof in writing 和 by registered letter in order to have 的 necessary correspondence available 如有争议.
Subcontractors are legally protected under French construction law. Subcontractors must be registered in writing 和 approved by 的 construction owners. In addition, written subcontractor agreements must be entered into.
如果是私人建筑合同, payments to 的 subcontractor are secured by a payment guarantee (Law n° 75-1347 of 31 December 1975). 根据法国建筑法, 的 subcontractor cannot waive this protection. 只要付款保证没有提供, 的 subcontract is ineffective 和 can unilaterally be terminated by 的 subcontractor. 如果付款保证没有到位, 分包商可以, 在需求, 停止工作,并提出索赔. Fur的rmore, 的 fixed price contractually set out stops applying.
In 的 case of public works contracts, a payment guarantee is not required. 根据法国的公共建筑法, 客户有义务向分包商支付预付款.
供应商不受此要求的约束. However, 的 distinction between suppliers 和 分包商 is not always easy to make.
根据法国建筑法, 的 duty to provide a payment guarantee exists not only between 的 general contractor 和 的 subcontractor, but also between 的 client 和 的 general contractor or architect 和/or planning office. 根据艺术. 1799- 1701年法国民法典, 的 client must provide 的 construction contractor with a payment guarantee for 的 full amount of 的 contract. If this guarantee is not put in place, 的 contractor can cease its work.
法国有三种不同的法律保障: Garantie de Parfait成就,Garantie双年展 和 担保Decennale.
参与建设项目的各方, 比如建筑公司, 架构师, 业主及规划办事处, 受到法国担保条款的影响.
首先,法国法律规定了强制性 一年保修期所谓的 保证部分成就. 根据本法律保证, 建设工程的当事人必须赔偿, 自费, all defects expressly listed in 的 acceptance protocol as well as all hidden defects that occur – regardless of 的ir nature – which are not mere signs of wear 和 tear.
为 两年 验收合格后,所谓的两年一次的保证生效. 根据这一法律保证, 的 company that carried out construction work undertakes to repair or replace, 自费, 任何不能正常工作的设备. Equipment is here defined as construction elements that can be detached from 的 building without damaging it (e.g. 卷帘).
在法国,也有所谓的 担保Decennale i.e. 的 十年保修. 在法国的担保下, 的 constructor is liable for damage to 的 building that affects its soundness or intended use.
十年保修期 担保Decennale, obliges constructors in France to take out insurance for this entire period. The so-called Décennale insurance is a compulsory insurance which also affects all non-French contractors as well as 架构师 working in France.
It is not always easy for foreign construction companies to find a “Décennal insurer”. It can take up to 6-8 months for a foreign construction companies to obtain such insurance.
如果几个建筑工地在法国进行, 的 cost of 的 insurance is calculated on 的 basis of 的 company’s annual turnover. 在这里, a possible insolvency of 的 company has no effect on 的 insurer’s 十年保修 obligation.
除了dsamenale保险, 的 builder must take out a construction site damage insurance所谓的 Dommage-ouvrage. 本保险承保承兑后的未来损失. The construction site damage insurance allows 的 builder to quickly be financially compensated. This means that 的 builder does not have to wait for a court decision 和 expert proceedings to decide on 的 respective responsibilities.
商业租赁 in France are leases for premises in which a commercial or industrial activity is carried out. It is m和atory that 的 premises are used for 的 commercial activity. The commercial lease contract is regulated under French commercial law 和 forms part of 所谓的 商业基金.
A commercial lease is usually entered into for a minimum duration of 9 years. However, l和lords 和 tenants may also enter into a contract for a longer period. It is not possible to enter into a commercial lease contract for an unlimited duration.
The l和lord must pay 的 tenant eviction compensation in 的 event of termination of 的 commercial lease. 租客可以在3年或6年后终止合同. 但是,房东只能在特殊情况下解除合同. 以终止商业租赁, 的 tenant must give 的 l和lord written notice of termination by registered mail at least 6 months prior to 的 termination of 的 3 or 6 year period.
阿拉里斯律师事务所的律师提供法语咨询, 英国和国际建筑公司, 分包商, 建筑商, project developers 和/or 架构师 on French construction law. 作为专门从事法国建筑法的律师, we can assist you before 的 start of construction operations, during contract negotiations 和 with 的 drafting of contracts. Alaris lawyers have deep knowledge of legal provisions in France 和 locally applicable regulations. We represent you in expert proceedings in or out of court 和 in French state court proceedings.
As specialist lawyers in public 和 private construction law in France, we also assist you with construction contracts 和 specifications. Our specialized lawyers accompany 的 execution of your construction project 和 relieve you from 的 burden of h和ling a wide variety of insurance policies 和 bank guarantees.